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How To Prepare For Your Earlobe Piercing

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

First-time ear piercings can make some feel a little anxious.

After all, you're making a hole in your body with a tool that looks really dangerous. The end product is indeed stunning and opens up a whole new universe of possible looks, but the process itself can be, to put it mildly, unsettling.

Through careful planning, you can most effectively overcome any anxieties you may have about getting your ears pierced. To find out how to get ready for your first ear piercing, keep reading.

1. Research

It is always a good idea to research about what piercing you're planning to do beforehand so that you know what to expect during the process of the piercing and even afterwards. It also helps you with understanding the piercer's aftercare instructions better.

2. Make an Appointment

As simple as it is, make an appointment and wait for the exciting day to come.

To book an appointment, please contact us or DM us on our Instagram.

3. Eat a Good Meal and Stay Hydrated

Eating well around four hours beforehand and staying hydrated are the greatest ways to calm your nerves before getting your ears pierced. Your stomach will feel better as a result, and you'll avoid being too stressed out. The piercing will heal more quickly with the aid of healthy nutrients in your body, which will lessen any discomfort you may experience and ultimately make you happier.

4. Choose the Studs You Want

The success of your piercing depends on the pair of beginning studs you choose. It's crucial to pick a set of studs that go with any outfit because you'll wear them for roughly six weeks. The first pair of studs you buy should always be made of a hypoallergenic metal. You cannot be certain that you are not allergic because you have never had a piercing. If you do experience a reaction, that could delay healing and result in a great deal of unnecessary agony. Sterling silver, platinum, titanium, copper, and stainless steel are a few hypoallergenic metals. Additionally, these studs will be of greater quality, so they'll look amazing while you flaunt your new jewelry around the campus. If you are not sure about which material fits you best, you can visit our available materials page to know more.

5. Reschedule if You Feel Uncomfortabe

It is not shameful to decide not to get your ears pierced on the same day. It's quite acceptable to postpone getting your ears pierced, whether it's because you don't feel at ease during your appointment or you've just decided you're not ready to make the commitment. If you have any concerns, you should stop and reschedule at a another time because it's important that you feel at rest and at ease when you get your piercing.

To reschedule your appointment, please contact us at least one day before your appointment date and we will be happy to help you.

6. Know That It Is Not That Painful

Although getting your ears pierced may seem extremely frightening, most of the time there is really little discomfort. Although the piercing gun or needle can appear to be very frightening, the majority of people say they only feel a minor pinch. Although everyone will experience pain differently, the skin on the ears is soft and ready to be pierced, so try not to worry too much about the discomfort.

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